Saucin' Up Perl with Selenium WebDriver

My foray into the world of Sauce OnDemand, made public about a month ago in an earlier blog post, landed me a spot as Presenter for April's meeting of the DFW Perl Mongers club!

But wait, you wrote all that code in JavaScript!

Yes, that's true.  And, despite Sauce Labs not really acknowledging the availability of a WebDriver module for Perl, it does indeed exist, and I found it, and wrote some nice automation in Perl to demo to the small crowd.  I even did some extra stuff they weren't anticipating -- showing off how to test mobile apps with Perl too by using Appium + Sauce Labs in order to provide an environment where the same test code can be used to test both a native Android app and a native iOS app, assuming they both had identical resource names for the graphical elements.  Unfortunately, the two APKs I had easy access to both caused a Force Close once the Android emulator in Sauce Labs started them up.  There were also some tweaks, features, and expanded capabilities I wanted to do/demonstrate in Perl, but ran out of time to incorporate them.  Oh well, I got close. :-/

Can I see the presentation too?

Yes, of course!  I have checked the presentation materials & demonstrated source code into GitHub, and the recording of the presentation has been made available on YouTube (part 1 and part 2) thanks to all meetings also being Hangouts On Air.  Given the usually small size of the Perl meetups, having these meetings recorded is why I didn't really bother ballyhooing the event to the public a whole lot.  (That way, in case I bombed, I just wouldn't tout the recording a lot.  But since it went well, yes, I'm definitely getting the word out. ;)  Watch that GitHub repo for enhancements and updates.



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