Getting Started with a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing, ESP-IDF, and Visual Studio Code
I've had a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing laying around on my desk since back in May when I met the fellow from Iron Transfer at a pinball convention, and we got to talking about IoT and his devices to remotely administrate pinball machines. However, I spent tons of time this year planning for exhibitions, and didn't really get to do anything with it -- until now. Before You Begin There are a few choices you need to make up-front about which IDE you wish to use for development, plus which development framework. I have chosen Microsoft's Visual Studio Code since it is cross-platform, feature-rich without hogging resources, free to download, and based on an open-source product similar to how Google Chrome is derived from Chromium. It comes with extensions for language support and IntelliSense, which are must-haves when authoring code. You are free to use an IDE of your choice; it won't really hamper your ability to enjoy the rest of this article. The other decision ...