Passing "this" Around In Polymer
Lately, I have decided to write the front ends for my personal Web projects in Polymer . It gives me the ability to construct the UI, and even tie in AJAX actions and database calls , by simply including Web Components as elements in the DOM, just like plain HTML. To me, it seems less bloated and denser than even Angular 1 (sorry, haven't played with Angular 2 yet), not to mention plain JavaScript or JQuery where you still need to write out most of the interactions between the model, view, controller, and external APIs yourself. The Web Components aspect was most appealing to me because now I could leverage previous work, standing on the shoulders of giants, rather than reinventing the wheel for the needed interactions. Better yet, if I use Google's implementations of Web components, I can even get Material styling on my DOM elements with no extra work. However, Polymer suffers from some of the problems I've had with Perl too. You really need to be in t...